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my dog hasnt eaten for 2 days

19 13:41:06

she keeps vomiting what she eats, even water, and my bro (though Im not really sure if its true) said that there was a blood in it.. I will bring her to the vet tom morning but do you think that its gonna require an operation for her to be okay?

Hi Mara,

When blood is seen in a dog's vomit, you need to call your vet. Bloody vomit doesn't always indicate a serious problem, but sometimes it does -- that's why you have to take your dog to the vet.

Blood in the vomit can be caused by eating the wrong foods. Dogs that raid the trash or root around in the compost pile can get nauseated, and throw up. Their retching can break blood vessels in the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. This isn't a serious problem, but it will cause the vomit to look a little bloody.

Many other stomach problems can be treated with medications, and do not require surgery.

Hopefully, your dog isn't seriously ill, but like I said, you can't fool around with something potentially serious, so it's good you're going to see your vet.

Try not to worry, and keep a positive attitude!

Best of luck,