Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > spaying/neutering


19 10:30:37

QUESTION: Are eggs okay for dogs?  Just the yolk, just the white?

ANSWER: If a dog is eating almost any of the commercial dog chows, it doesn't need anything else.  adding much of anything such as eggs can only ruin the careful balance of nutritients in the chow.  A little egg or many other things won't hurt much, but doesn't do any good either.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I noticed that the expert who answered my question about food, added an editorial requesting the spaying or neutering of dogs.  I have been told by at least one vet that an unspayed dog or one that has had a litter of pups faces an increased risk of breast cancer and other difficulties with her reproductive system.  If the opposite is true for human females (which I believe it is) why would this be so?

Neither canines nor humans will ever get ovarian or uterine cancer once the ovaries and uterus are removed.  With all the misery caused by our pet overpopulation, such drastic surgery both eliminates accidental breeding and reduces cancer in female dogs.  

I never thought about the differences in  humans and canines and really don't have an explanation otherwise.