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puppy afraid of people-dogs

19 11:52:01


I justpurchased a SS puppy-at 4 months of age from a Kennel
the puppie is now 6months old -and all is well except he is afraid of people. He will either bark at some, and run from all. He will not approach a group of persons, and will bark when a group approaches him or run.
I surmised that being raised in the country isolated from the metropolis-he was unfamiliar to persons or things. he use to be afraid of cars, but now seems more curious than afraid.
I solicit  your experience in what i should do
ANSWER: Leonard, I'm sorry, but I don't know what kind of dog you have. What is a "SS"?  Around the age of six months, many puppies go through what is called a 'fear stage,' and exhibit the behaviors that you're describing. The best thing to do is to just ignore the behaviors, and act like nothing is wrong, and he should grow out of it. Like you said already, he used to be afraid of cars, but now is starting to show more curiosity towards them. It just takes some time. Keep taking him out for walks and get him around things, but don't force him to approach something he is afraid of, and don't force him to accept strangers trying to pet him or whatever. If he balks, just stop and stand still until he gets over it, and most likely, he will 'sneak' forward and try to sniff whatever it is. If it's a person, then that person should not look him directly in the eyes or try to pet him. In essence, they should flat out ignore him.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This same puppy(Standard Schnauzer) continous to pull and appears
oblivious to a command at times
in the yard without distractions he's Ok....but outside he is as stubborn as a
My question, would it be suitable to use a prong/choke collar or even a ETC
when outside, with him..appreciate your input

Leonard, a prong collar *can* be used on a puppy as young as 6 months (I do not recommend choke collars at ALL), but you should know how to properly use one before you do so. I would not recommend an electric collar at this point in time; I just don't think you need it right now. It sounds like he's ready for corrections, if he will obey commands under no distractions, but you need to know how to properly correct him for disobedience before you just slap on a correction collar and start yanking on it. I recommend that you open the phone book and call the local trainers in your area and see if they can help you with him, as far as his disobedience, and also with his fearfulness.