Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > allergies??


19 11:52:01

Can dogs have seasonal allergies?  First time pet owner, my dog is sneezing funny and has a wetter nose than usual.  This is the first time he has done this in 3 years.  He has been eating the same brand of dog food and his routine has not changed.  Please let me know what you think.


Just like people dogs can have seasonal allergies. some dogs have alergies to grass, mold, pollen, dust. and as any alergy it can manifest at any time during the dogs life. Alergies can develope as the immune system matures. if a dog is moved to another part of the world it could develope alergies due to the differences in the enviroments. Alergies are easily determined, generally, but specific alergens may take years to ferret out. I have seen dogs who had food alergies and the specific cause was never fully found.