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10 month old Lab not eating and sneezing alot

19 13:57:29

I have a 10 month old lab that I just adopted from the animal shelter last Wednessday.  She is in heat at the moment.  She ate good the first couple of days and then stopped eating on Sunday when it got very hot here in Texas.  She is drinking about 5 bowls of water a day.  She is also sneezing alot when I take her outside to use the bathroom.  She has snot coming from her nose when she sneezes.  She is also very calm now compared to the way she was a couple of days ago.  If you could please give me an idea what I should do.  Thank you  

Hi Christy,  With the heatwave across the US, a lot of dogs are going off their feed, but the sneezing is different.  It is a possiblity she picked up an upper respiratory infection at the shelter (basically a dog cold), but she needs to go to a vet because she needs to go on antibiotics to kill the infection.  Hope this helps,
