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Lethargic and vomiting black pug puppy

19 11:21:06

I have a 15 week old pug puppy. When I came home from work today she was lethargic and had been vomiting. She continued vomiting until nothing was left but bile. She only ate a couple bites and I barely got her to hold down a few licks of water. She peed very yellow pee on the carpet and when I put her outside she immidiately laid down on the grass where I sat her as if to go to sleep. She's normally very hyper. She's had her 8 week and 12 week vaccinations. Any idea on what could be wrong? I checked her poo and found no sign of worms. Thanks in advance!

Dear Drew,

Thank you for writing to me about your pug puppy.  A sick dog should never be fed.  They should be fasted for a day after all vomiting has ended.  However, if they are not drinking, they need to be rushed to emergency because of the loss of electrolytes and dehydration. This can cause death, especially in a puppy.

Many worms and parasites would not be necessarily visible to the eye.

The very yellow pee is an indication of an abnormality and my urgent message to you is to rush your sick baby to the emergency room.  Everything you've described is NOT a good sign.  

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis

Dearest Drew,

I am so upset and saddened by your distressing heart breaking news.  This is a terrible loss.  It is never easy to say goodbye to our dogs, especially at such a young age.  Know that her energy will always surround you until the day you are reunited.  Can you tell me what caused her death?

May her sweet little soul rest in peace.
