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Adopted toy poodle

19 13:39:17

I just adopted a 4 year old poodle from a breeder about 2 1/2 wks ago. She
has had 2 litters and I just had her spayed as she was due to go into heat. She
was very attached to the breeder and initially was very shy and timid. She has
several issues.  Her main problem is that she jumps,whines and scratches me
and wants me to pick her up whenever I get home.  Even when we go for
walks, she jumps around me and wants to be picked up and held.  She was on
free feeds at the breeder and after 2 weeks won't even eat for my husband
but will take soft food from my fingers occasionally.  We have tried to feed
her twice day but to no avail. We bought the same food the breeder fed her.
My husband works at home and is with her most of the day but she shows
very little interest in him and hides from him. She growls at him sometimes
when he comes into the room or comes near me.  Any advice will be

The best thing to do is to give her some time,it often takes a month or longer for a dog to adjust into a new home

Another good idea is to look into dog obedience-as that often builds confidence-I had a dog that was like yours and training turned her right around