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Breach births

19 13:51:05

She is Chihuahua and is 2.5 years old. Will future pregnancy be with complications as well?

Followup To

Question -
Is it true that breach puppies have to be assisted during delivery or they will not survive? What causes the puppies to be born breach? What are the chances if I breed my dog again that her next litter will be born breach as well?
My dog first was stillborn and the next two we had to assist her or they wouldn't of made it either. Is there a chance a mother dog could die during breach deliveries?

Answer -
Hi Marie,  A mother dog can die during delivery of normal as well as breach births.  What breed of dog are we talking about?  Breach births are caused by the puppy turning around in the sac.  Also, how old was the dog when she gave birth?  When you assist, you want to make sure and get the sac off the puppy as soon as possible so they don't drown.  You can also revive them with mouth-to-mouth as well as holding them upside down cupped between both hands and gently swing them between your legs to get air flowing through the lungs.  Of course, clean out the mouth first.  Hope this helps,


Hi, Chihuahuas can have complications in births, and it can happen with future litters.  Normally the first litter is always the one with the most problems because it is the first one for the dog. There is really no way to predict what will happen in the future litters, but if you have problems in the second litter too, then it would be best to get her spayed.  
