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Health question.

19 9:32:44

Hi, I know that you said you can't answer questions about health, but I would like your opinion about my problem. My dog has been twisting her head to the left. She isn't cocking her head at a sound, but twisting her head and neck. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, so is it an ear problem? If you have experience with this, I would appreciate it!

I have had four dogs with the classic vestibular syndrome head tilt; all were old dogs. Even the vets will argue whether or not this is due to an inner ear infection or a mini-stroke. I (and at least one vet I've asked) subscribe to the slight stroke theory, as this comes on very, very quickly... to the point where one can watch it happen. One dog was put on steroids, another on antibiotics, and two had nothing done but supportive care. One of the dogs with no meds fully recovered; the others retained their head tilts.

I recently saw this same head carriage in a three-year-old dog who had partially dislocated his jaw on an Omega Paws Health Bone Chew and buggered up the upper part of his neck directly under his skull. It took two adjustments by our veterinary chiropractor to get him right again.

Your dog needs to be seen for a proper diagnosis, and I highly suggest a chiropractic veterinarian if you can find one in your area.