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My 5 month old puppy...

19 9:28:31

QUESTION: My 5 month old puppy Lucky (five months yesterday) has had diareah (sp??) off and on since we got him.  We did a fecal sample twice and both times he was on antibiotics and both times it cleared up (more solid yet still not fully formed) for a few days and then back to wet, runny poos.  I am a very holistic person and live my life in such a way (I have four kids who have hardly ever been antibiotics) which is why I have such a problem putting my puppy on antibiotics again.  Is there a naturopathic remedy that may help?  Probiotics?  Natural antibiotic?
Please advise.

Hi Tina,

Loose stools can occur for a number of reasons. It is best to determine the cause of the loose stool and then to treat that cause. I couldn't tell from your note whether or not Lucky's stool had been examined for parasites. Coccidia or Giardia, as well as other "worms" need to be ruled out. You also haven't said what Lucky's current diet is, and which (if any) home remedies you've already tried. Feel free to get back to me with this info, if you'd like.

Antibiotics are given if the diarrhea is caused by bacteria, if this isn't Lucky's problem the antibiotics he's been received would be ineffective. It's also possible that Lucky's problem is bacterial in origin, but he didn't stay on antibiotics long enough.  

Lucky doesn't have a simple form of  diarrhea caused by eating something he shouldn't have. For that reason, I can't tell you a remedy, as we don't know what his problem is.

You might want to consult with a Holistic Veterinarian. You may be able to locate one here:

Best of luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your timely response.  Sorry, in order to give you more information, Lucky is on Origen large-breed puppy food.  I give him 1.5-2 cups in the morning and 1.5-2 in the evening.  Although he is still hungry (keeps going back to the bowl, licks the floor, sits in the kitchen) we don't want to overfeed him as I've heard this can also cause diarrhea.
Both times his stool was checked, he did have Giardia.  The first time and 5 day antibiotic was given, the second time a 10 day antibiotic was given along with another medication (sorry, not sure what).  He's had deworming meds and "Revolution" at each check up.
I had given him HMF Forte (one capsule) once a day two days in a row last week but stopped as I wasn't sure if I was doing a good thing or not.  I don't think there was much change otherwise I'm sure I would have continued.
Thanks so much in advance.


Hi Tina,

Thanks for getting back to me with this additional information. You didn't say which medication Lucky was being treated with. Flagyl (Metronidazole) is often the treatment of choice for treating Giardia, however it can only 60-70% effective in eliminating Giardia  from infected dogs. This is something to discuss with your vet. A different medication or a combination of medications may be needed to kill Lucky's Giardia.

Sometimes after the 5 day course of antibiotics, it's necessary to retreat the antibiotics after an interval of one week, and then repeat the fecal sample test.

The microorganism that causes Giardia can live several weeks to months outside the host (your puppy) in wet, or cold environments. So lawns, parks, kennels, and other areas that may be contaminated with animal feces can be a source of infection and reinfection for your puppy. Do not allow Lucky to drink from ponds, lakes or puddles. If Lucky has been releiving himself in your yard, you need to pick up all of the poo in your yard, and all subsiquent poo as it "arrives". After scooping it up, wash your hands with soap and warm water, as humans get Giardia. You should keep Lucky away from areas contaminated by the feces of other dogs.

If any fecal material gets on the hair around Lucky's hindquarters after each bout of diarrhea, use a sprayer bottle filled with a solution of 2 cups of plain water and one teaspoon DAWN dish washing liquid (or the same ratio of water and Orvus) and spray off Lucky's tail area, then use paper towels to wipe dry. Do this once a day, or more often if needed.

Increasing the fiber content of Lucky's diet could be helpful, along with whatever medication your vet prescribes. This won't get rid of the Giardia, but it can help the diarrhea. Fiber is helpful when treating either diarrhea OR constipation because soluble fiber can both retain and absorb moisture. Psyllium fiber (Metamucil or Fiberall) can be given to dogs to treat chronic watery diarrhea. The usual dose is 1 to 5 g. per pound every 12 to 24 hours (One teaspoon is equal to about 5 grams). Talk to your veterinarian to get the correct dose for your particular puppy, and to see how long it should be given.

After finishing treatment with the prescribed medication, submit a fresh fecal sample to your veterinarian. If, after several days of treatment, no improvement is seen, return to your veterinarian for re-evaluation. This isn't due to Lucky not receiving the correct treatment, it's because Giardia can be very hard to treat.

I hope Lucky is feeling better soon!