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How Do I Make An Old Dog Happy?

19 10:47:27

QUESTION: I have a 13 year old labrador retriever. We know she is not going to live much longer. She sleeps more, she's less energetic. This is not a medical issue. It's like any aging human. I just don't know what to do with her to keep her happy. She doesn't like to go on long walks like she used to and we don't play tug of war anymore because her gums start to bleed, even if I just pull a little. It seems all she wants to do is sleep. However, she does run around the edge of the pool with me a few laps. She also enjoys it when I wash her and put baby oil on her dry paws. But I just want to know what I can do to make her golden age more enjoyable, and happy. Can you help me?

ANSWER: Ah, my 14 year old has cancer in her jaw.  She still enjoys a leisurely walk around the block with plenty of time to inspect the mailbox posts.  Some days she isn't up to walking to where she can swim.  I take her in the truck.  I use a ramp to help her in and out.  I find a place with a sloping bank that is easy for her to get in and out.  She more wades than swims, but seems to enjoy it.  

I talk to her a lot, speaking loudly so she can hear.  I rub her butt and belly.  I brush her.  I do my best to keep our 9 month old hellion away from her.  I still take her out places where she can enjoy seeing other people and dogs.  

Her time is coming to an end.  Last week she quit eating her kibble softened with water.  Our friends gave me some canned dog chow, but she only picks at it.  I just picked up some fish based cat food I will try tonight.  I am less concerned about the food, than the antibiotics and pain relievers I am adding to it.  I have been feeding her a little extra as long as she ate the dry kibble.  I am a staunch advocate of keeping dogs lean and feeding a dry kibble and little else.  It is best for the long run, but she doesn't have any long run.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We don't live anywhere around water. We live in the dry deserts of Texas! So, we can't really take her swimming. The chlorine in our pool can damage her skin. I sing to her and she enjoys a nice belly-rub, though. I hardly ever brush her. Should I begin to do that a little more often? Since she has short hair, I never really thought it nessessary. About food, we stopped giving her dry food a little while ago. Now we feed her food especially for elderly dogs. Its a food that you pour hot water over it and it creates a nice gravy, making the food a little softer for those old teeth of hers. It also has carrots and peas in it, but she doesn't really seem to like them, although she enjoys the rest. I used to give her rawhide bones, but they just hurt her teeth now, as she starts to bleed. Do you give your dog any soft treats? We usually keep her outside, since she sheds so much. However, she has her house and water and lots of shade and playing space and even a little mist gadget out there. Should I start adding antibiotics and pain killers in her food? I mean, she does have a bit of a limp on one leg, but I think its just her olden years. I doubt the vet can do much about it anyway. Do you think I am doing just about everything I have to do to make her ending years happier? By the way, you have helped me so much. At first I was sad, scared. I cried at night. But, you have made me realize that I am not the only one. I know that when the day comes, I'll be sad, but because of your help, I guess I won't be THAT sad. I think I'll take her to a nearby park, soon. There are a lot of dogs there, and people. I think she might like to relax under a tree and watch people and dogs for a bit. I never really thought about taking her there.

My dog has been on a painkiller for several years.  In addition to cancer, she has an infection in her jaw bone, and the antibiotics have helped that.  I never did give her many treats, so I am not giving her any now.  I think it hurts her to eat.  

I think swimming is a learned thing.  Many of our lab puppies have wanted nothing to do with the water.  We are just doing as much as we can of the things she enjoyed in the past.