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lonely dog?

19 11:50:33

i have the best cocker spaniel in the world.  however, i feel she might be lonely.  she's the only pet in the house.  and we work 8-5.  i walk her morning and night every day. and on the weekends she goes everywhere with me.  but when i leave her i feel she's lonely.  maybe not.  she's now 9 yrs old.  i need to know if i should get her a buddy.  myabe not another dog but something or are they happy with just us?  this has been on my mind forever now.

Hi Melissa,

Thank you for writing to me about your darling Cocker Spaniel.  There is something so sweet and loving about the way you described her.

Nine hours is far too long for a dog to be without a walk to relieve herself.  Do they tolerate it?  Yes.  Is it a health hazzard for them?  Yes.  The bladder and Kidneys have to cleanse themselves of the toxins they've collected.  That should happen within 5 hrs.  After that the area becomes more and more toxic and this effects the overall immune system of the dog. If at all possible, try to find a reliable dog walker for your girl.

Additionally, dogs are pack animals and being alone for so long is depressing for them and very lonely.

I would most assuredly recommend that you bring another dog into the family.  Perhaps a 4-5 year old so that your dog isn't overwhelmed with too young a companion.  Find a dog that is somewhat submissive and I would lean towards a male dog.  I think that this would breathe life into your girl.  She might be a bit surprised at first but will grow to deeply love her new buddy.

May I recommend getting a rescue and saving a life?

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis