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Snapping Westie

19 11:45:19

Hi Kristin
I have just taken in a male Westie believed to be about a year old from a dog rescue center. He has been living with us for about 3 days now and has really warmed to my mum and dad, and initially me.
However, whenever I approach the dog he now bars his teeth at me and growls. He will not respond to me when I call him and if I go to pick him up to put him outside in his garden he snaps at me.
He also started to bark and growl at our neighbors and anyone he does not know.
He has not been neutered yet and has had  a very rough start to life.
Do you have any suggestions as to why he has decided to exhibit this behavior suddenly and how I can overcome this?

Thank you

Holly Draper

Getting him fixed may help

But what you really need to do is to take him to obedience school,as they will actually see what your dog is doing and work from there-you want this to stop right now,before it gets any worse,call around to different trainers and pick the one you like the best