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retraining bad potty habit

19 9:23:04

We got a 2 year old Siberian Husky 10 months ago.  He brought with him a few bad habits.  Spent some time housetraining him - which he seems to have accepted - although I can't say we trust him 100% yet. Over the last 2 months he has started lifting his leg on our deck posts and pooping on the deck or right off the deck as you walk down some steps onto a concrete slab to the yard, or the stars leading down into the yard.  The yard is big and he use to do his business over in a corner - great...why now is he just acting lazy and walking 2 feet from where we sit and he lays to pee and poop?  We are very frustrated and don't know how to retrain him to quit using this family area and area we all walk through as a bathroom and to walk a few more feet into the yard where he has so much more room!! He is very clean and doesn't like to get too wet - for a while when we had lots of snow and rains - we thought that was it - didn't want to go out in the weather.  But now..its beauitful -- he needs to go into the yard again.  He hasn't ever established a set area in the yard -- maybe that is it -- he goes everywhere.  But why now start this right where we walk and sit?

This may be difficult to correct.  Try taking him on leash out to a far corner of the yard that you would like him to use.  Choose something as a command and use it with him name.  Walk him around letting him sniff around any trees of fence posts.  Stay out there moving from one spot to another.  When he finally does anything,  lavish praise on him.  

Watch him carefully.  If it look like he is about to mark the deck posts or eliminate, give h9im a sharp ''Ah, ah, ah!'' and put the leash on and take him to the far corner.