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dog born wothout tail

19 14:31:59

hello...we purchased a chihuahua..or however you spell was born without a tail.i have heard that this could cause problems with the central nervous system as it is lacking all of its spine...can you help..thanks in advance

Your vet will advise you when you take it in to have its vaccinations.
A lot of dogs are born "bob-tail" and mostly this doesnt affect them.  Some dogs have other related genetic disorders when they are born bob-tail which can cause problems but this is only particularly common in Australian sheperd dogs.  There are no nerves in the spinal column of the tail that dont relate directly to the tail so your dog should be fine.  If he experiences loss of balance or appears to have difficulty walking take him to the vet but otherwise dont worry too much i'm sure your dog will be fine.
Hope this helps