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yorkie puppy peeing in crate

19 14:03:18

I have an 11 week old male yorkie that we have had for 2 weeks today.  he is very good with his potty training during the day.  I try to take him outside every hr or so, and after he eats, naps and plays.  
he needs to get up during the night to go outside, or he will pee in his crate.  I thought they would not go in their crates.  I don't mind taking him out once or twice a night until he is older, but last night I just did not wake up for him.  I have the crate right beside the bed.  I take his water away at 8pm
We got one of the small wire crates, and made it 1/2 the size so it is small.
We try not to leave him in the crate very long during the day, but once when we went out for 3 hrs., he peed in his crate, last week.  Last night, we took our grandson to a movie and he was fine in the crate.
He doesn't mind going in the crate, and sometimes goes in on his own and lays down.
Should I set my alarm clock for 2 or 3 am. until he is older.
is this really bad that he goes in his crate?
We had a beagle before for 13 yrs. and he would never go in his crate.

Hello, Sandy and congrats on your new puppy! Yorkie puppies are so cute, aren't they?! Sounds like you are very much on the right track with your baby. Good job!

Puppies and dogs do not like to soil their den (crate), but at just 11 weeks old, puppies are not capable of holding it for very long. Their bladder and bowel control is not fully developed yet, and they have to pee at *least* once every 3 hours (taking him outside more frequently as you have been doing is excellent - the more opportunities he has to potty outside and be praised for it, the better!) and usually have a bowel movement within 20 minutes of eating, sometimes after playtime or other 'strenuous' activity, and first thing in the morning. The general rule with puppies is that they can hold their bladder for about as many hours as they are old in months. At 11 weeks old, that puts him at almost 3 months of age, so that is where I got the 3-hour 'rule' above.

At 11 weeks old, yes, you should be setting your alarm clock so you can get up at least once through the night (twice if he still potties in there after being taken out once) and take him outside. You should take him out on a leash, so you can ensure that he does, in fact, potty; and so you can praise him for doing so. I would also recommend taking water up a little earlier - say around 6pm. Then, take him outside two or more times before bedtime to make sure his bladder and bowels are empty. Right before putting him in the crate, take him out one more time. Remember to praise him every single time he potties outside! If you put him in his crate at around, say, 10pm, getting up to let him out at around 3am should be sufficient. Start out by setting the alarm for 3, and if he has already pottied in his crate at that time, set it for 2 the next night and try to time it so you take him out before he potties in the crate. Taking him out at 3am, and then again by 8am *should* be enough, but if he's pottied in the crate when you wake up in the morning, before 8am, you will need to re-set the alarm for a little earlier so you can take him out again before he goes in the crate. It should not take him long to understand that you WILL get up and take him out, so he doesn't HAVE to potty in the crate, and he will start trying harder to hold it if you don't take him out exactly when he needs to go. At night, he should be able to go between 4 and 5 hours right now without needing to be let out, providing you do not feed or water him after 6pm and give him several opportunities to potty before bedtime. He may be anywhere between 4 and 8 months before he can go all the way through the night without needing a potty break. Each dog is different and unique in this aspect! As long as you are consistent with him, he should learn very quickly, though.

Good luck with your baby, and please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
