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Brought a second dog home

19 10:07:39

We have a one year old black female Lab and a couple days ago purchased a nine week old female chocolate lab.  The older dog is not happy with the purchase it seems.  She has been a little aggressive and tugs on her ears and almost shoves her.  The little one has not cried or anything so not sure what is going on there.  Is it necessary to give away the new addition or is this something to be expected.  Also what can we do to help this situation?

Dogs DO play very rough. With schnauzers, it sounds like WWIII with lots of noise and flashing teeth as they roll around, wrestle, and chase each other.

Since the new baby is not crying or trying to get away, it doesn't sound too serious to me. Just keep a close eye on them so that the older dog doesn't get too rough with her.

Make sure the baby gets put into her crate at naptime so that she can sleep unbothered for some parts of the day. I would also suggest feeding the dogs in their crates to avoid food conflicts. And I wouldn't leave the two alone together for awhile until the little one gets larger, just to be on the safe side. Some big dogs just don't realize how big they are.