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Rottie with skin irritation

19 11:36:04

My rottie just recently got over having flees, he may still have them because he is still scratching but i haven't been able to find any recently. He now has what looks like crusty little pimples almost that when u pick at them they come off with hair. Its mostly on the back of his neck inbetween his shoulders, but i have also seen them under his chin in the neck area. Do you have any idea what this could be. It doesnt hurt him and I only notice it when im rubbing him and I come across a bump, I pick at it. Thanks alot.


He may have a secondary skin infection from scratching at the fleas.  Scratching of course tears the skin and then bacteria that are normally on the skin surface, find their way into the scrapes and set up house under the skin/ in the skin.  If it doesn't clear on its own you should see the vet for a medicated shampoo and or ointment to help heal the skin. Don't pick at them!

If the spots worsen or spread I would take him to the vet right away and check for skin infection, mites, etc.

Hope that helps,
