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crate trainig

19 11:25:53

Hi Diane,
We just purchased a 10 week Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) last week. So far, I can honestly say that she is the easiest puppy we have ever had. My vet suggested we take her to puppy kindergarten because of her breed and anticipated size. So, once a week my 8 year old son and I take her to puppy school. It has been very helpful as far on basic training, however, I felt like the " BAD PUPPY MOM" when the trainer and the others in the class found that I wasn't crate training. I did crate train our other dogs, mainly because of work schedules. This pup is barely left for more than two hours a day alone and she's gated in my small kitchen. She is also gated overnight, and has had no accidents. Please advise, am I making a huge mistake?!

That's a tough question to answer :). Do you feel that once your dog has reached an age, and size that the gate will no longer hold her in the kitchen should she choose not to stay in there, that she would be trustworthy enough to have the run of your home without destroying anything or pottying on the floor? If so, then hey continue with what you're doing. She will grow very quickly,but will still be a puppy for a long time.And she will chew etc as puppies do. As long as you don't feel that you will need to contain her in a crate at anytime, then by all means leave her in the kitchen. Noone knows your dog, or your lifestyle as well as you do. I have a Great Dane right now that is sixteen months old and hasn't been in the crate since he was a small pup. He is wonderful and trustworthy. I have another one that would wreak major havoc if I left her alone in the house unsupervised and uncrated. Just two different personalities.
If you think that at some point, due to her size, you will have to crate her in order to contain her, then do her,and yourself a favor and start now. It's a safe place for dogs, they enjoy the crate once they are used to it, provided it isn't abused.
Every trainer has a different method and different ideas. Just like raising children, you have to listen to everyone else's opinion and then do what you feel is best for your family and your dog. :) So if you're satisfied that you won't need the crate at a future date don't let anyone else push you into using one now.