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barking and growling dogs

19 14:21:25

Hi Kristen,
I have 2 dogs, one a mut who is around 4 years old (rescued her off the street), and a yellow lab who is 3.5 years. Both are females and both live inside.   My question pertains to them barking and growling constantly at my neighbors and all children, they will bark and growl even if we are standing right there beside them.  I want them to be able to be around kids, we have a 13 month old little boy and neither dog wants anything to do with him.  They only like him when he feeds them his food! How can I make peace with them? Are they feeling like I betrayed them when I had this baby? I know I can't spend as much time as I used to, but I really try.  I am so embarrased everytime I have to get them to stop barking at my neighbors, who the dogs know!  Any suggestions on how to get them to stop barking and to be better with children?? Thanks for your help!
Meredith Hagan

Hi, Meredith, and thanks for asking!

My first question to you would be have the dogs had any kind of training? If not, I highly recommend that you get them both into basic obedience training. I prefer a trainer that can come to your house and work with you one-on-one, but not every area has a trainer like that. I do not like group classes for beginning dogs or owners because there are too many distractions that set the dog up for failure, and the trainer is not able to work with you effectively so that you know and feel comfortable with what you're doing. The trainer also is not able to "learn" your dog personally, which can help with behavioral issues. Plus, group classes take time out of your schedule, which you simply do not have, with a new baby. IF you can find a trainer that will come to your house once a week, or more, do it.

My next question would be when did their barking and growling behaviors start towards the neighbors and children, and what have you been doing when they do it?

Having a baby does generally upset the "pack order", and can cause problems between the existing dog(s) and new baby. This *could* be an underlying issue in your situation. Under NO circumstances should you EVER leave the baby alone with either or both dogs. Children and dogs should never be left unattended, no matter what the breed or how long the children have lived with or known the dogs. Do not let the dogs take his food from him, because that will only serve to put the baby's ranking in the pack (your family) lower than the dogs, and it should be just the opposite. While he is eating, or has food, the dogs should be crated or not allowed access to him (via baby gates) until he is finished. They SHOULD be able to watch him eating, though. Another thing that will help to enforce his position as being above theirs is to let them watch as you and the baby and your husband or other family members eat, and then once everyone is finished, that's when the dogs should be fed. The dogs should not eat until AFTER everyone else eats. It is okay that they seem to want nothing to do with him. That is normal, and I do not advise you trying to "push" them together.

If you'll just get back to me with a little more information, such as about their training, if any, and what you have been doing to remedy things so far, I'll be better able to give you good suggestions that might be able to help you.
