Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > otoxicity--surolan


19 9:28:00

My 12 year old border collie went completely deaf after 5 days the anti-biotic drops, Surolan.  What are the chances that his hearing will return. I stopped the drops a week ago and there is no sign of improvement.  His eardrums are intact.  


Hi Debbie,

I have gotten other AllExpert messages regarding this medication. With any medication there is always a chance of dangerous side effects, though it's particularly ironic that a medication meant to cure ear infections would cause deafness. That's not limited to just Surolan though. Almost all ear medicines are "Ototoxic" (meaning, they can damage to the ear, specifically the cochlea or auditory nerve) and can cause deafness.

Some dogs regain some, or all of it's hearing after the medication has been stopped. I really can't say if your dog will, or not. You should talk to your vet about this, as he or she is the real expert here. You also might want to consult with a veterinary  ear specialist.

I wish I could have been more of a help.
Best of luck,
