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older dog bites new puppy

19 11:37:23

We have adopted a chihuahua mix puppy that is now about 15 weeks old. We have 4 other spayed female dogs of all sizes and types in the house. My son's pug-chihuahua mix (about 9 yrs old) tends to be aloof and spends most of her time in his room. She has bitten the puppy on 3 occasions... once on the nose, once on top of the head, once today on the lip. She has never bitten the other dogs in the house but does grumble at them... We try to keep our eyes on the puppy at all times, but obviously are quite good enough. What is the best way to teach the pug not to bite... and the puppy to keep her distance. The pug-chi was adopted from a shelter when 1 1/2... and may have been previously abused.

Hi Melissa;
Doesn't matter if she was abused before you got her. She has had a loviong hiome for enough years that abuse is behind her.
she is just being a little jerk and she needs to be taught better.
She needs to learn this behavior will not be tolerated.
when she snaps at the puppy, pick her up, look her in the eyes and chew her little but out royally, then tell her because she was bad she has to go to time out, and put her in a small room. We use the small bathroom in our hall for time out. They have to stay in there for a half hour the first time or two they commit an offense, and if they do the same offense the third time it goes to ine hour.
they have to learn you will outlast them, and it is to their best interest to go by the rules of the house.
This alpha dog bit is nonsense. I am the alpha and I don't allow any of my dogs to boss the others.
The family takes the place of their pack, and I am the alpha of this pack.
My children were not allowed to boss each other, and neither are my dogs.
I like peach in the house.LOL
The puppy is going to try o mix in with all the kids in the family, both the 2 legged and the 4 legged. That little pug missy needs to lean some manners.LOL
She thinks se is boss in HER room, and probably a good part of the house. the other dogs have probably put up with her, but she is going to train this puippy up right, and it is SHE that needs to be trained up right.
YOU be the boss, Mom.