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Training Dogs

19 11:30:37

We have a shitzu cross poodle. He is 1 year old and he is chasing our neighbours horses. He will not listen to us when we tell him to come back. He goes across the road and chases the horses or takes off down the road. What would you suggest doing? Also he is getting up alot in the night. I take him out before he has to go to bed but all he does is roam around and thinks it is play time.. I don't know how to make him know he has to go to the bathroom at this time.

Don't let him out off leash and he cannot run away from you OR chase the horses, Chantelle. When you take him out to potty, EVERY TIME, he should be leashed, as I said, and go to the same spot in the yard each time. When he 'goes,' begin repeating a short phrase over and over that you want him to associate with going potty. Then, when he's finished, praise him, saying "Good [phrase]! Good boy" in a happy tone of voice, and then go back in and play with him for a few minutes. Soon he'll be pottying on command!