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my babies ears.

19 10:18:13

She is a Chihuahua 3 years old , her ears stand up . i have took her to 2 different vets one said to use this ( MalOtic ) the other recommended this ( Tinactin athletes foot cream ) these have been applied 2-3 times a day for over a month now and seem to have no effect
She has crusty sores on the inside tips of her ears ( about the size of a knickel . She has never had any skin conditions and she is very clean dog and never smelly . They have developed very fast .  These sores are just on the edges of her ears and getting worse by the day.  No other parts of her body are affected.   It actually looks like the sore is eating right thru her ears
I'm very concerned over this . Can you please help ?

Hi Kevin,

The MalOtic is an antibiotic, and the athletes foot cream is an anti-fungal. If they aren't helping your dog's condition, she needs to be re-examined by your get, and a new medication needs to be prescribed.

Of course you want your dog's treatment to be simple and straightforward, but it's not at all uncommon that a first or even a second treatment doesn't work. If your dog's ears are getting worse, putting off taking her back to your vet isn't going to make the treatment any easier.

It might be necessary for your vet to do a skin scraping test to rule out the possiblity of microscopic mites. Mites would not be killed by either of the two medications you've been using, so it's worth checking on that.

Best of luck,