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my two Pekingese

19 11:10:56

I have two Pekingese males. One is 5 years old and the other is one year old. I am having a problem with the younger one being very aggressive toward the older one. They do play together alot with an even amount of dominance, but if the older one is coming to me for effection or if there is food involved the younger attacks. In Oct of 2007 the younger attacked, and the older one lost sight in his one eye because of it, and almost lost the eye completely due to it coming from the socket. How can I help the younger to feel that he doesn't have to fight for anything?? The younger one was nuetered  about two months ago, and this aggressive behavior probably started at about 6 months old. I love them both very much, but I have to admit this is stressing me out because I don't want them to get hurt, the older one will fight back but always seems to be the one pinned down due to the recent accident, he shows intimidation & fear. I thought that I must not being giving the younger one enough attention but he seems to get more aggressive if I do, then he gets aggressive if I show the older one attention. I have been correcting with a stern flick of the finger and a stern NO, but I still see him show his teeth and growl at the older one when he feels he is not the center of attention. This also happens over toys too. I am just scared that one of them will get hurt again, or get hurt by another dog that won't put up with his aggression. I also have started keeping them separated from my grandbabies out of fear they will get bit. Please help. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Sharon

Sharon, you need to step it up and start really correcting the younger dog for attacking the older dog. If it were me, I would leave a leash, attached to a training collar (in this case I would recommend a small prong collar because of his size) attached to him whenever you are home and he and your older dog are loose in the house. That way, you can quickly grab the leash and give a quick 'jerk' to correct aggressive behavior. The leash also allows you a way to get the younger dog away from the older dog without sticking your hands in there and possibly being bitten.

In cases of aggression, I ALWAYS recommend contacting a trainer that has experience dealing with aggression, and preferably one that can come to your home to work with you one-on-one to solve the issue. There are entirely too many factors that could be coming into play with aggression, and I would hate to recommend something that might not have been appropriate to the situation (just going off what I'm told here), that causes someone to be bitten.