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my yorkie is sick!!

19 10:27:32

Dear Patti,
  I am a first time dog owner, my yorkie is about 13 weeks old, I just had him for a week, i took him to the vet for the new puppy exam last week, everything seems normal, the doctor gave him some deworming thing, it all started last Friday, his stool changed, it was kinda soft, and plus some watery like too, he eats and drinks normal, one more thing, he started to have those vomitting sounds after we visiting the vet, it also sounds like he is coughing, but nothing ia comeing out,are those the normal reaction after deworming, so I am really worry about the diarrya, please please help me, I don't want to lose him. Thank you!

Hi Renee,

I'm sorry your puppy is not feeling well.

It's not unusual for a puppy to develop diarrhea after receiving a dewormer. However, because you only recently got your puppy it's also possible that he's having some diarrhea due to a change of diet, or even a change in water! There's really no way of saying what's the cause of your puppy's diarrhea.

It's really a good thing that your puppy is continuing to eat and drink normally, it's when they stop that you may have a sick puppy on your hands!

You need to contact your vet first thing tomorrow when the office opens. The doctor needs to be aware of your puppy's reaction since getting the dewormer. Your vet can best advise you if your puppy needs to be put on a bland diet for a couple of days, which would help the diarrhea to "firm up", or if he needs to be seen again at the office.

Best of luck,
