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19 10:27:33

Our one year old American Standard Bulldog female has suddenly started pooping and peeing in a certain spot in the kitchen at night when everyone is asleep.  She never does this in the day, which makes me think she just may know that she is doing a big no no.  It's a pretty large pile, as she is a pretty big dog.  

She's been sleeping locked up in the crate in our kitchen.  I tell the kids to praise her when she "goes" out in the yard in the morning. This has been the routine now for about a month.

She's my husband's dog.  I'm trying to tolerate this behavior to my best.  Is there any explanation for this?  She was doing so well for so many months.  She has had zero stress or changes in life.  My husband thinks it might be that the weather has suddenly gotten cold and she's being "lazy" and would prefer to "go" in the house instead of the cold outdoors.  I never had a dog like this, so it's rather surprising, not to mention the large pile is very upsetting to come across early in the morning, when I have kids to tend to.  

Well, any thoughts or suggestions would help.  How long should we keep her in the crate during the evening?  Where do we go from here?  

It could very well be what your husband suspects, Cristina. I would suggest continuing to crate her at night, when you go to bed, so that she does not have the opportunity to potty on the kitchen floor. Take her out first thing in the morning and make a big deal when she goes to the bathroom outside. Let her know that it makes you very happy when she does that, and she'll be more likely to do it!

As long as you take her outside to potty before putting her in the crate for the night, she should be able to hold it just fine for up to 9 or 10 hours while she's sleeping.