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White husky

19 11:12:19

Our husky-named snow- has developed a pink rash on belly and on back leg. Also, she has light pink coloring around her eyes and on bottom of mouth. We have a barn cat that might have scratched her-but are unsure and wonder if it is more diet related.Swithched from beneful to Taste of the wild-organic dog food from VITAMIN COTTAGE. Have been placing aloe vera on skin to help her. Called vet in Colo Spngs area-costs 100.00 just for office visit. Please  help.  

Unfortunately, only a veterinarian can diagnose what your dog's rash might be. A staph infection, for instance, would require antibiotics in order to clear it up. If this was from a cat scratch, the rash should be localized in the area of the scratch.

There is more than one veterinarian in your area; I would call around and find one that isn't quite so expensive and get your dog in for an examination.

Your only other option would be to wait and see if the change in diet improves her skin. The new food sounds quite good; Beneful is most definitely *not* one that I would ever recommend.