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Shih Tzu throwing up yellow foam

19 10:40:24

My Shih Tzu is throwing up yellow foam, and is being very lazy and lying around a lot. She's normally not like this, shes always full of energy and playing with my other dog and ferret. Do you have any idea why she is throwing up this yellow foam, and what should I do?

Hi Brittany-

Yellow foam is bile, which is just empty stomach fluid. Lethargy is probably because she doesn't feel good. How many times has she thrown up, and how long has this been going on?

She may just have eaten something that isn't agreeing with her. Try giving her a ginger snap (they work like gingerale for people) or you can take ground ginger and mix it with cold brewed peppermint tea (NO CAFFEINE) and water and offer it to her to drink. Both the peppermint and the ginger will soothe her stomach.

If she continues to vomit for more then one day, is vomiting frequently, or through the night, or if she develops diarrhea, I recommend taking her to the vets ASAP. For dinner tonight, I would offer her rice instead of her regular food.

I hope she feels better!