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housebreaking 9 month old never in house

19 11:04:53

Ok, I am looking to adopt a 9 month old corgi mix. She has spent her whole life outdoors in a pen. How would I successfully introduce her to the indoors, and a crate, without scaring her, and causing more problems. I also don't knwo how to start the proccess of housebreaking her. I was to crate as mentioned above, and I really would need to have a schedule I could post and look at..when to water, when to feed, when to take out, when she can play, when to put her in the cage, etc. I have trained dogs in the past, but now I have 2 younger children, so I don't want any mistakes on my part! Thanks in advance ;)

Well it would probably be best to get her used to the crate before getting used to the house-and what usually works is to keep the dog in there at all times,except to go outside,to play,to go for a walk,to be fed or when you take her somewhere

For water you can either keep a bowl in the crate,or use a puppy water bottle or just give her a drink every couple of hours

For feeding I work at a dog kennel and the feeding times there are 7am and 3pm so you can try those times but if 7 is too early just feed her at 8 and 4 instead

And I would say to let her out every 90 minutes or so