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Green Stool

19 11:11:57

Hi Cindi
I have a wonderful five year old pit bull terrier. She suddenly has green stool. It is not runny, maybe a bit softer than normal. She seems otherwise fine. Could it be something she ate? She's been begging for (and getting) quite a bit of cheddar cheese lately. (I'm doing an Atkins type diet) Any help is appreciated. Her name is Jessie

Hi Dawn,

Dogs can have green stools if they eat large amounts of green, leafy vegetables. Green feces can also occur with diarrhea if bile salts pass through the intestine unchanged.

Certain additives in what dogs consume mix with the bile in their stomachs and in turn create anywhere from a greenish to a definitely green stool.

If you're worried about your dog's health, monitor what your dog is eating. Try changing the dog's diet and see if that helps. If the diet change isn't making a difference, the dog may be eating plants or other things that may be affecting its stool.

Keep an eye on it for a few days, if it persists, bring a stool sample to your vet.

Best of luck,