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constipated dog

19 13:53:08

I have a male American Cocker Spaniel, 13 1/2 years old and weighs about 30 lbs..  He has always looked like he's having a hard time when trying to do his poops. But has done them and very healthy looking ones.  Lately, he seems to be constipated--trying so hard and only a little coming out now and then.  Is there some kind of food I can feel him that would help him with this. I don't want him to end up having diahrea either.  He seems to be ok --healthwise--just the problem with being a bit constipated.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Sue, Is he neutered?  I would get his prostrate & anal glands checked to make sure there are no problems there.  As far as foods, try adding some canned food to his dry food.  That can help to loosen things up.  You can also add a food supplement like Linatone to his food.  Hope this helps,
