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Help. My dog is out of control!!!

19 11:38:53

I have a 1 year old boxer mix and am having a lot of trouble with her biting me. Everytime we start to play she always trys to play bite me, but that turns into hard biting. When she was younger i took her to training classes at an AKC training place. They would tell me to put her in one of the leadership positions if she started biting, but she was always way too strong and they never seemed to work. I got her one of those training collars with the beep and the shock on it. That calmed her down a liitle but not much. She's so hyper and all she wants to do is bite. I don't know what to do anymore. She's become more of a nuissance than man's best friend. I'm open to any advice at all.

Kate, I would recommend that you continue with the obedience classes. I also recommend that you try to get more active with her. It sounds like she has a lot of pent-up energy. Do you walk her at all?

One thing you can do about biting is to 'pop' her under the chin with your index and middle fingers. Imagine a scale of 1-10, where level 1 is the mildest and level 10 is the hardest. Hold your index and middle fingers straight out, so that they are right beside each other, and when she bites, place your other hand on the top of her neck, just so she doesn't run away, and 'pop' her under the chin lightly with the fingers on your other hand. Then, IMMEDIATELY offer your hand for her to bite again, saying something like, "You want it? Go ahead, bite it" in a happy tone of voice. She will most likely chomp down on your hand again, at which point, you repeat the pop under the chin, only escalating to level 2 this time. Repeat until she will not take your hand when you offer it to her to bite. Next time you play with her, if she bites again, start at whatever level you left off at before. If you stopped at level 4 the last time, start at level 5 the next time.