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outter bottom lip mouth sores

19 13:53:09

What can I do to stop the irritation that my dog has on his lower outter lip? It has been bleeding a little every other day. What is this, and should I be concerned?

Hi Kim,

Any new sore is worthy of examination by your veterinarian. Sores, and lumps can have many origins, including wounds, infections, blisters, tumors gingivitis, impacted salivary glands, etc.

In general, if the sore is not growing over the course of a week, does not bother the dog, is not sensitive to touch, and is not surrounded by inflammation, it is not likely to be a problem. But since your dog's sore is bleeding, it's worth taking him in to see the vet.

If your veterinarian is concerned, a fine needle aspiration can remove cells that can be examined microscopically.

I hope I've been a help.

Best of luck,