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running in house

19 9:52:14

hi i have 2 staffies they are generally well behaved and obedient but everytime i bring them in the house from being outside or going for a walk they both run round and round the house for about ten minutes i cant seem to stop them can you give me any advice


Hi Rose,

Your dogs are just excited. If you were to train your dogs the "sit and stay" on commands, you could just get their leashes on them, and get them outside. You can read about how to train your dogs these commands here:

Make sure your dogs are getting enough daily exercise. This means more in the way of leashed walks, or a good run outside. The more exercise they get, the less likely they will be to have running fits in your home, and the calmer they will be.

Your dogs would probably benefit from an obedience class. Your dogs will learn to focus their energies on what you want, and you will learn how to tell them what to do. Contact your vet or boarding kennel to get a recommendation for an obedience class in your area.

Best of luck,