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Dog that wont stop going to the bathroom.

19 11:30:10

When I met my fiance he had a male Cocker Spaniel who was nearly four and potty trained. We've been living together for over a year and the dog is almost five now, and he suddenly decided it was alright to go to the bathroom anywhere he wanted to. Now its not like random sprays of marking his territory, though my fiance claims thats what it is. He will squat down and pee, alot. And he will do the same with pooping. He knows when he has to go to the bathroom and we let him out when he lets us know. But then five minutes after he goes outside...he will come back inside and go to the bathroom anywhere he wants. I am about to lose my mind with this dog. He is aggressive and untrainable. I need some help. Ive begun limiting his water intake after a certain time of night, and its helped slightly...but do dogs go to the bathroom wherever they want out of spite for their owners?

It could be a case of the dog just needing to be reminded that he is housebroken... through a refresher course of housebreaking... but I would have him examined for a bladder infection before anything else.

Get him into on-going obedience classes and start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with him.  
