Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Feces


19 13:57:30

I would like to know the different types of deseace that could be in each pile of dog feces,and how to get rid of it without infecting myself..How many different germs,parasites,infections or anything else that could cause sickness in humans..In the backyard,shoud you water it dow or put it in the trash right then???

Hello Pete and thank you for your question,

There are no deisese's you can get from dog feces if the dog is well cared for and loved, one could possibly contract worms from it if somehow it was swallowed(keep your mouth closed with picking up dog poop!)Its the only thing I've ever heard you could get from your dog. Watering it down doesnt work..... not really you will be left with a poop stain and a mucky mess. Putting it in teh trash is ok if you dubble bag it and tie it tightly but its best to get a little decompsion thing for dog poop.. its avalible in pet shops you bury it in your yard and just leave the top sticking out... theres a hinged flap on top you step on it and it opens for you to dump the poop in it and then it closes the pooop then decmposes into the earth below. If you want to be fancy a pooper scooper from any petshop or even walmart works great of rremoving dog waste or if your low on cash a plastic shopping bag works...... put your hand in the plastic bag.... pick up the poop with the plastic bag over your hand and with your free hand grab the handles of the bag and turn it fully inside out, tie and your done the poop is now *inside the bag. I persoanly use one of those dush pans on a handle like janitors use and a regular dush pan, the small dust pan scoops the poop into the biger one with the handle and when I'm done it goes into a dubble or trippled bag... i'm getting one of the little under the ground decompiong things soon.

I hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask,