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skin bump

19 13:32:52

Hi Sarah,
I have a six-year old min pin and about 6 months ago, I noticed a small bald bump on her right hind.  The bump has slowly been growing and now it is about the size of a dime.  It doesn't seem to be bothering her (she doesn't even mind when I gently press on it).  Upon closer examination, I noticed that there is a lot of flaky skin around the area of the bump beneath the hair.  I am afraid that it might be a tumor.  It does not seem to be connected to any tissue - the bump is actually a part of the skin.  Any ideas what it could be?  I would appreciate any information you have.  Thank you!

Hi Jane
It does sound like this is a skin tumour.  I would consult your vet as soon as possible - especially if it is growing as it will be easier to remove when it is small.
A lot of the time these wart-type tumours are benign and removing them will be the end of the matter but your vet will be able to send it away for tests to confirm this.