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My pom eats cat poo!

19 11:57:42

My pom, Foxy, has 9 months. She lives with another dog and 3 cats. She has a strange habite of going to their litter box and take some poo out of it. It's gross and disgusting!! How can I make foxy stop?
kisses joana

Hi Joana,
all the dogs I know will eat cat poo if they can.  Cat food is a very rich food and it makes the poo apetizing to dogs.  You must find an area that the cats can get to that the dog cannot.  It is not good for a dog to eat the poo.  If you can gate the cat box off somewhere that would be the solutions since the dog can't jump over a gate, but the cats can.  Teach the cats to jump over by feeding them in that area.