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should you feed pregnant dogs puppy food

19 13:40:49

ma jack russell is having puppys and i wanted to know if i should feed her puppy dog food cause shes gone right of her adult food and shes due in about a week

Many breeders and vets will say to put them on puppy food, but I never have with my schnauzers, and have never had a problem because of that. I just feed them more food, and when I had my litter of nine, I had planned to supplement the puppies, but our refrigerator died shortly after the litter was whelped and we couldn't get another one in for three weeks. That (around 15#) bitch raised all nine puppies by herself, and she was eating six cups of food a day.

You could try moistening her food with a bit of warm water, or adding a bit of canned food to it to tempt her a bit. A few do go off their food a few days before whelping; my last one did that, and then didn't want to eat for about three days after whelping.