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doggy walking funny

19 13:40:59

I was just wondering if you know why a dog will start walking on his butt at times.  He has only been doing it for a couple of days, but i wanted to make sure that it wasnt nothing.  Thank you in advance for you help.
Connie Milton

Hi Connie!
Your dog probably needs his anal glands expressed. Their are glands on each side of your dog's anus that will sometims get impacted. In order to relieve the pressure, your dog will "scoot" his butt on the floor. It is very uncomfortable for him. If you will take him to your Vet, he will "express" the glands and show you how to do it yourself.  It's a good thing to do every time you bathe your dog, so it won't get impacted. If you don't keep a check on it, it can get infected.  This mostly occurs in small breed dogs.  Hope this helps.  

God Bless,