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small lump

19 11:58:56

Hi, My puppy had a shot on Fri now at the sight( left shoulder neck area) of the shot has a lump the size of a dime there is no discomfort when I touch it or any redness. It feels like it is just under the skin and I can lift it and it is dense  tissue. What is it and will it go away. Funny it was not there yesterday or at least I didn't feel it when petting her. She is 9 weeks old. Thanks in advance for an answer.

Hey Ingrid. Sounds like that's just where the vaccine was given. This happens from time to time, no big deal. As long as it doesn't get bigger or look irritated, don't worry a/b it. You can put a warm compress on it & massage it some. That will help it go down. Thanks for being a concerned owner!