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Nightly Dog Vomiting

19 9:39:46


I have 3 large dobermans (2,7,13) and all three maintain the same lifestyle and schedule.  They are family dogs, kept very well, and all have a high degree of playfulness and energy.

One of them (the 7 yr old) has been vomiting on a regular basis, but only at night and usually around 2AM.  I changed her eating habits and began giving her food before bed which seemed to help a bit, however, sometimes the vomit will have undigested food in it.

I've heard about giving Pepcid AC but can't find a recommended dosage.

Also, one the vomiting starts, if I give her some food, she's fine for the rest of the night.

Should I switch to three meals a day?  She's currently on two

Any other thoughts?


Hi Vincent,

I'm actually going through something very similar with one of my dogs. The Pepcid AC may work for you, it's been very effective in controlling my dog's late night vomiting. You need to give the Pecid AC to your dog once daily for two weeks. The dose of Pepcid AC for dogs weighing 20-60 lbs 1/2 tablet (for dogs over over 60 lbs, the dose is one whole tablet). Give it on an empty stomach before the dog is fed in the morning, or before you go to sleep at night, also on an empty stomach.

You might try giving your dog who's having the problem an extra milk bone before you go to sleep. You can try dividing her food between three meals rather than two if you like, but the Pepcid AC may well control the late night vomiting, and over the two weeks heal her irritated stomach.

If the vomiting continues though, you should have your dog examined by your veterinarian.

Best of luck,
