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Could milk whiten my dogs fur?

19 9:14:18

My dog has a spot on his back that has discolored. It's irritated and the vet said unfortunately its a skin disorder. He's a cream colored Shit Tzu. The spot is orange looking. Would the milk hurt him at all?

Hello Sandi,

Milk?  Not sure why you mention milk.  Are you giving him milk to drink?  If so, dogs shouldn't been given milk.  I have never heard of milk whitening a coat either.  It's better to give him a supplement that will take care of his skin disorder.  I recommend this product.  Http:// It's not sold in stores so you need an order code, they have is guarantee -  "We offer a money-back guarantee if any customer is not happy with the results received from using NuVet Plus or NuJoint Plus. In the unlikely event that your are dissatisfied with any NuVet Labs product, we guarantee a full money back refund by simply contacting - NuVet Labs at 1-800-474-7044. Code 42299.

That is what I suggest you try and will improve the skin and the hair color will return to normal which you will see after a few grooms.

Susan Potts