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weird hair loss on my curr mix

19 9:14:17

ive seen other questions about hairloss in a breed like mine. shes a catahoula curr mix. she has random bald spots at verious places on her body. she doesnt scratch or itch or anything. it doesnt bother her at all. it started with one spot on her belly. that grew hair back then it moved to her face then that grew back and moved to her back .and lil spots here and there all over the back but none of the places are connected as if its spreading. most of those spots are now growing hair back. its not mange. there are no sores or anything. just looks like someone took a clipper and shaved bald spots here and doesnt seem to bother her at all.shes on a very good grain free dog food.and her legs were never affected. what do you think?shes black and tan.

Your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian. This could be something like ringworm, and the vet needs to run tests to determine that.

This fungal infection is contagious to other animals AND to people.