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knowing when my 16 month old female chuahua

19 11:26:29


 I wanted to know when it was safe to breed my 16 month old Chihuahua? I have not noticed any signs of her in heat.She is 3 pounds and was born July 7th 2006. I would like her to have a puppy. I am not going to breed her to sell the puppy.

Hello Debra,  In my opinion it would never be safe to breed a 3 pound dog of any kind.  Especially a Chihuahua,  Because they tend to have puppies with larger heads and this usually requires a C-section.  And if you are not present when she goes into labor you could lose the mother and puppy if not caught in time.  Most dogs are good to breed after their first or second heat. Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)