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Yorkie Poo training

19 9:25:52

9 months ago my roommate got a Yorkie Poo and he has been walking on top of
us and always standing on us if we are sitting or laying down.  We aren't sure if
he is trying to be dominant or if he is just trying to be close to us.  Also he has
been shaking sometimes when you call him or if he is sitting on someone who is
a dominant male.  We are not sure what to do, please help.

You need to take charge and tell the dog what to do.  He isn't being given any direction and he is scared.  You must be firm with him so he can relax and not feel that HE has to take charge when he doesn't want to do so.  OR  he is really cold and is trying to get warm.  Small dogs seem to be more sensitive to cold than other type dogs.  Check this first, but still take charge.  Teach him commands and tricks so he gets approval and make sure he is warm.