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post-neutered collie

19 10:44:41

Hi, we just had our 8 month Collie neutered Tuesday. Last night, for the first time, he kept trying to mount my grandson. Is this normal because of the neutering. I am not quite educated as far as hormones and their affects on male dogs.
To me, he tries to be alpha to our 5 yr old doxie female. Which kind of surprised me. He's rather food selfish. Doesn't get aggressive but if he thinks she is going to get to his food or sometimes other foods he'll try to beat her there. Once she's there he'll just look at her intently. The reason I said ALL that was because I am hoping the neutering will calm those tendencies down.

Hi Laura,

It will take a few weeks after being neutered for your dog's hormone levels to drop off. However, the mounting behavior is also used to display dominance in dogs, so that behavior might not stop. When your Collie starts to mount anybody (or anything) give him a squirt of water right in the face (with a water pistol or squirt bottle) while firmly telling him "NO!". The moment he stops the behavior, praise him lavishly, so he'll know exactly what you want.

Your newly neutered male dog can still impregnate a female dog at this time. For the next few weeks, you should be sure to keep him away from any female dogs who haven't been spayed, and are in heat.

Neutering will calm your Collie, to the extent his sexually motivated behavior will stop once his hormone levels drop off, but it won't change the power struggle that might be going on between your Daschund.

It's pretty natural for dogs who live with other dogs to want to gobble down the other dog's food. Aggression doesn't have to be a part of the scenario, but the desire for food can be pretty strong. This has nothing to do with being neutered, and will continue. It sounds like the Collie knows his place, and abides by your Daschund's will (as most male dog will).
It might help to feed your dogs in separate rooms, it will make mealtime less stressful for all involved.

Best of luck,