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beagle with a hurt right leg

19 13:43:04

A few days ago my dog missy started to yelp and was holding her right leg up it doesn't hurt her all the time but once in a while it does. could it just be a sprain. please help.

Hi Helen!
Yes, it could be a sprain. You didn't say if she was outside or note. Maybe it was a bee sting or a spider bite? It's hard to say. Is the area swollen? I would just watch her real close. If she limps for more than a few days, then you should take her to a Vet. You also did nto give her age. If she is an older dog, it may be the begiining of arthritis which can be quite painful to dogs. I really doubt this is anything major, but only time will tell.  Watch her and use your good judgement on whether or not to see a professional.

God Bless,