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Breed of Dog

19 14:10:20


I have recently been thinking of getting a miniatuire pinscher - I always assumed they were the same as a miniature doberman, but the websites I have seen indicate that min pins and miniature dobermans are 2 different dogs. What is the difference, and how can I tell one from the other if there really is a big difference?

Hi, there is a big difference in miniature pinschers & dobermans and that is not only size.  Miniature pinschers come from crosses between german pinschers & manchester terriers whereas dobermans come from rottweilers.  Min Pins (miniature pinschers) look like dobermans, but that is where the similarities stop.  They are 1/10 the size (at least), are very yappy & hyper, but also are very intelligent.  They weigh an average of 10-15 lbs.   Dobermans are quieter, not as hyper, also intelligent weigh about 50-75 lbs and are a lot taller.  Miniature dobermans are not a true breed, they are just dobermans that have been bred down in size.  They probably do look the same as min pins, but their temperment would be different if they were truly bred down dobermans.  Hope this helps,
